SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS participates in PERFORM by providing its expertise on market assessment, exploitation and communication
SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS is working, since January 2019, on PERFORM, a Horizon 2020 innovation project developing highly efficient and integrated electrochemical systems, which will substantially improve sustainable production of valuable building blocks from bio-based feedstocks.
SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS is currently implementing the communication strategy defined at the beginning of the project and coordinating the dissemination of PERFORM by the project partners. At the beginning of 2020, the company delivered a preliminary exploitation plan as well, where the guidelines to follow in terms of exploitation and market uptake of the technologies developed by the project were established.
In further stages of PERFORM, SUSTAINABLE INNOVATIONS will work together with all the companies involved in the consortium, to execute a market assessment and to define the market approach based on it.
PERFORM is expected to contribute to technology development to reduce the environmental impact of the chemical industry. In this sense, the technology developed in PERFORM will reduce CO2 emissions from the production of chemicals due to the efficient utilization of renewable biobased feedstocks and renewable energy.
PERFORM will achieve its goals by developing and building an electrochemical PowerPlatform pilot plant in order to demonstrate technologies and innovations, leading to the implementation of more sustainable electrochemical processes.