
BE-SMART project it’s coming to its end. The initiative has led to the development and execution of three demonstration sites across Switzerland, Sweden and Norway, where the Be-Smart technology has contributed to implementing and scaling up BIPV projects in Europe. From module manufacturing and glazing to design planning and integration towards a more cost-efficient, positive energy building. 

The main responsibilities of Sustainable Innovations in this project were to constantly monitor key exploitable results, explore market opportunities and contribute to raising awareness of the BIPV potential through describing the business cases having gathered the demonstration learning experience.

Additionally, Sustainable Innovations elaborated the Be-Smart capacity building programme, a comprehensive and free-to-access 4-module programme covering important key aspects of the BIPV technology, evaluation and trends, in a mission to make BIPV a clear alternative shaping the future of cities.  

If you want to know more about the project visit the Be-Smart project website.

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